Friday, October 19, 2012

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga
for RA, CFS and Fibromyalgia

A friend in Colorado introduced me to Kundalini Yoga October of 2011. The DVD that was recommended to me was "Kundalini Yoga -detox & amp; destress with Maya Fiennes" for better adrenal gland function.

Knowing that my adrenal glands were functioning at a low level, I knew that limited amouts of Kundalini yoga could be helpful. I have found that it does help, but my body must be well-rested, and sometimes I am not able to do this much. Sometimes just regular stretching or yoga is the answer for that day. It's always a balance.

Wikipedia describes Kundalini Yoga as a physical, mental and spiritual discipline for developing strength, awareness, character, and consciousness. Practitioners call Kundalini yoga the yoga of awareness because it focuses primarily on practices that expand sensory awareness and intuition in order to raise individual consciousness and merge it with the Infinite consciousness. Considered an advanced form of yoga and meditation, its purpose is to cultivate the creative spiritual potential of a human to uphold values, speak truth, and focus on the compassion and consciousness needed to serve and heal others.

I have enjoyed learning Kundalini Yoga because it offers more vigorous movement than yoga alone and helps with fatigue, stiff joints, and soreness. But I have to use caution... and in other words, know when my body is and is NOT able to handle this form of exercise.

To learn more about Kundalini Yoga, click on the links below:

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